About us

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About us
We are

Trade Consultants

We want your business to prosper and to make it possible we have a large team of professionals specialized in different sectors: from financial consultancy, consultancy, audit, legal advice, accounting, human resources, logistics, commercial management and digital marketing.

We have

12 years of experience

Our trajectory supports us, and is that all our professionals have more than thirty years of experience in advising companies. Thanks to our deep knowledge of the market, we have been able to successfully meet the demands of our customers.

We offer

Road to success

To achieve any goal in the medium or long term, it is imperative to emphasize each one of the aspects that make up a company. For this reason, in CSYA we work together in a coordinated manner in order to respond to the needs of the companies with which we collaborate.

Our work

We carry out detailed studies for the companies with which we work. No matter what your economic activity is, our purpose in a first instance will be to conduct a study of your situation in order to provide you with a global vision to help you find out where you are.

Drawing a route to follow is our task. Our consultancy department is responsible for conducting solvent internationalization initiatives. Our company’s mission is to help the medium and small business to successfully internationalise and increase its profits.


World presence


Italy, France, Portugal, United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Russia

Nigeria, South Africa, Angola, Egypt, Morocco and Algeria

US, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina and Bolivia

India, Malaysia and Kazakhstan


Who we are

Our company

Comercial Dept.

25 years of experience

We will study the needs of your company to give you the best support and improve your cost effectiveness

Financial Dept.

30 years of experience

Our goal is finding the best conditions for your public or private fiancing.

Legal Dept.

22 years of experience

Our experts will analyze the laws and regulations to solve or avoid any possible issue.

Foreign Trade Dept.

15 years of experience

Our team will arrange successful networkings with providers and clients all around the world.